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Bible Lesson Week of Dec 7

Covenant SchoolDear Parents,

This week we are learning about Jesus’ birth the first Christmas. This Bible truth is recorded in Luke 2:1-20.

Even as a busy parent, you can introduce your child to the truth about Christmas. Consider using your morning commute to preschool to listen to Christmas music and to talk about the Christmas Bible truth. Show joy as you sing and talk about Jesus’ birth. Your child will catch your attitude!

Here are additional ideas to keep Christ in Christmas, using the acronym CHRIST:

C stands for cherish. Cherish the time you spend with your little one. Read the Christmas Bible truth together from a children’s Bible or Bible storybook.

H stands for highlight. There are far too many things to do and places to go during this busy season. Think about the things you really want your child to do and to see. Write these on the calendar and highlight meaningful things you wish to do with your child.

R stands for reason. Tell your child the reason why you celebrate Christmas it’s Jesus’ birthday.

I stands for interactions. Plan time to interact with your child to create meaningful experiences. For example, consider making some Christmas cookies with your child or making ornaments that remind you of the Christmas Bible truth.

S stands for special. Emphasize that Christmas is a happy time because Jesus came to Earth. Try to avoid references to being good in order to receive gifts.

T stands for tradition. Start traditions that bring meaning to the season. For example, set up an unbreakable manger scene and let your child play with the figures. Consider a Christian advent calendar with pictures that depict the Christmas Bible truth. Have your child count the days until Christmas.

Again, thank you for sharing this truth with your child.

Covenant SchoolThings to talk about at home:

  1. If you could give a present to Jesus for His birthday, what would it be?
    What is your favorite part of the Christmas Bible truth?
    If you were a shepherd and saw the baby Jesus, what would you do next? Why?

© Bible Preschool


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