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Bible Lesson Week of Dec 14

Covenant SchoolDear Parents,
This week we are learning about the visit of the wise men. This Bible truth is recorded in Matthew 2:1-12.

Who were the wise men, or magi? This question has puzzled Bible scholars for ages and has led to much speculation. The Bible does not identify the wise men, tell their country of origin, or even say how many there were. Legend has it that there were three wise men, but the Bible only records three gifts.

Additionally, the Bible does not say that the wise men went to the stable on the night of Jesus’ birth; rather, the Gospel of Matthew states that the wise men went to the house where Jesus, now a young child, was with His mother.

What was the star that the wise men followed? Could it have been a comet? Perhaps it was a conjunction of planets or a very bright meteor shower. Again, the Bible does not provide that detail.

Although the missing pieces of the story might be interesting, they are unimportant. What is truly important was that the wise men knew a great King was born, took action to find the King, and brought appropriate gifts.

This pattern of knowing about God, developing a relationship with God, and knowing how to give is something that parents can instill in their child while he or she is still young. As you teach your child to know and love God, you are giving a gift beyond price!

Thank you helping your child learn the Bible truth.

Covenant SchoolThings to talk about at home:

  1. The wise men may have travelled for a long, long time before they found Jesus. Have you ever taken a long trip? What do you like to do on a long car ride?
  2. What gifts would you bring to a very young child?
  3. Have you ever looked at the stars at night? Are some stars brighter than other stars?

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