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Bible Lesson Week of Nov 30

Covenant SchoolDear Parents,

This week your children are learning about Jesus’ coming birth—an amazing Bible truth recorded in Luke 1:26-38, 2:1–5, and Matthew 1:18-24. Mary, a young, unmarried woman from an obscure village in a virtually unknown part of the world, received a message from an angel of God.

The angel, Gabriel, told Mary that she was blessed beyond her wildest dreams because she would be the mother of the Son of God! What an amazing honor! And yet, at first, Mary could not see how it would be possible. The angel had to assure her that nothing is impossible for God.

Joseph, Mary’s fiancé, also had doubts about God’s plan. But despite Mary’s youth and Joseph’s uncertainty, the couple chose to trust God. Because of their obedience, you, your children, and every person you know has the opportunity to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ—the Son of God.

Have you stepped back from the activity of the Christmas season to reflect on this miracle, or are you stressed about gifts left to purchase or which appetizer to prepare for the next holiday party? Hit the pause button and put your “to do” list down for a moment.

As hectic as things get at this time of year, it’s important to remember the meaning behind it all. The meaning is the real message of Christmas: God sent His Son as the greatest gift of all. Like Mary and Joseph, you can trust God’s plan for your life and your child’s as you prepare for Christmas.

Again, thank you for sharing this truth with your child.

Covenant SchoolThings to talk about at home:

  1. Do you think Mary was brave when she spoke with the angel and accepted God’s plan? Why or why not?
  2. Mary and Joseph obeyed God. How can you obey Him?
  3. If you were getting ready for a long trip like Mary and Joseph did, what three things would you take with you? Why?

© Bible Preschool