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Bible Lesson – Week of October 5

Dear Parents,

This week your child will learn the Bible truth of Jesus’ healing of a paralyzed man, found in Mark 2:1-12 and Luke 5:17-26. bible flowers

As Jesus gained notoriety as a teacher and a healer, He attracted a large following. So when Jesus returned to the area of Galilee, where He had started His ministry, He was invited to speak in a house in Capernaum. When word got out that Jesus was in town, crowds filled the doorway to the house so that no one could get through.

This posed a problem for four men who were friends of a paralyzed man. They desperately wanted to take their friend to Jesus to be healed, but they simply could not get him through the door! Undeterred, the men climbed up to the roof of the house, made an opening through the roofing, and lowered a mat bearing their paralyzed friend to the ground, right at Jesus’ feet. They probably expected Jesus’ full and immediate attention.

Surprisingly, Jesus did not heal the man immediately; instead, He forgave the man’s sins! This caused a great deal of consternation for the political leaders of the day, who knew that only God can forgive sins. By forgiving the man’s sins, Jesus demonstrated His divinity. Then Jesus told the paralyzed man to take up his mat and walk. And the man did!

This Bible truth presents a picture of friendship. Four men saw a friend’s need and cared enough to persevere and find a creative way to get their friend the help (which ended up including forgiveness) he needed. Friendship and forgiveness are key ingredients to relationships. Children need to learn to ask for forgiveness, but also to extend forgiveness when they have been wronged. You can help your child to grow in character by setting an example of asking for and extending forgiveness.

Thank you for helping your child learn the Bible truth.

Things to talk about at home after the Bible Lesson:

  1. Is it ever hard for you to say that you are sorry? Why might it be difficult?
  1. Has anyone ever hurt your feelings? Have you forgiven that person?
  1. How can saying that you are sorry help a friendship?

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