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When Your Child Should Stay Home From Albuquerque Daycare

Girl child

The coronavirus pandemic that swept the world in 2020 changed the approach New Mexico parents take towards sending their children to daycare and child care in Albuquerque when they show symptoms of being sick.

Signs of a minor cough, cold, congestion, or fever that would normally be acceptable before the pandemic are now seen as a cause for concern. For the community’s health and safety, your child should be kept home and have their pediatrician notified if they are not feeling well or showing signs of being sick.

4 Symptoms That Should Keep Your Child Home From Daycare

Even without a global health crisis, your child shouldn’t go to daycare in Albuquerque if they have the potential of getting others sick. The following are four symptoms that show that your child has more than a common cold and will be better off staying home:

1. Fever

Having a fever above 100.4° Fahrenheit (38° Centigrade) is a sign that your child is carrying some sort of infection and is likely spreading germs in every direction.

2. Vomiting or Diarrhea

Sending your child tochild care and daycare with severe stomach problems is never a good idea, even if they are otherwise feeling well.

3. Excessive Pain

Your child may be able to deal with a minor headache or shake off a sore ankle. However, significant or lasting pain should be monitored and tended to at home.

4. Respiratory Issues

Persistent coughing or irregular breathing can be signs of more severe conditions and warrants a day spent at home and a call to the doctor.

Contact Covenant Schools for Child Care in Albuquerque

Covenant Schools is committed to making sure your children are always learning, safe, and loved during their time at Covenant Schools, the daycare Albuquerque loves. Contact us today for more information and to set up a tour of our school.


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