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Is Your Child Ready to Start Preschool?

Preschool Rio Rancho

As a parent, you want what’s best for your child. When it comes time to decide if preschool is the right next step, you may have many questions. How do you know if your child is ready?

Some Things to Consider When Making a Decision About Preschool:

Comfort with Separation

Is your child able to separate from you for short periods of time? This is an important skill for preschool, as they will be away from you for several hours each day.

Is Your Child’s Speech Comprehendible Yet?

Preschoolers aren’t expected to have perfect speech. However, people should be able to understand what they’re trying to say. Likewise, your preschooler should be able to hear and understand other people.

Typically, preschool-ready children speak in simple sentences of three to five words. They also can describe something that has happened recently, such as a trip to the library or a visit to the zoo.

If you suspect that your child may have a speech or hearing issue, talk with your pediatrician. They can recommend a speech therapist or an audiologist who specializes in working with young children if necessary.

Following Instructions

Can your child follow simple instructions? This includes things like sitting still for a story or circle time, or following directions to put on a coat or washing their hands. Preschool-ready children are typically able to do so. Practice having them follow simple tasks at home to better equip them for a school environment.

Social Skills Interest

Is your child beginning to show interest in interacting with other children? Preschool is a great place for socialization and learning how to share and take turns.

How Old is Your Child?

Preschool programs typically accept children who are three or four years old by December of the academic year. Some preschools set a minimum age for when they’ll accept kids; Usually, they must be three years of age by December of the academic year, although some will allow children as young as two to attend. Talk to your prospective schools to learn more about their age restrictions and requirements.

Is your Child Potty Trained?

Some preschools require that children be potty trained before starting. Others are happy to work with children who are in the process of learning. Do some research to see what schools would be a better fit for your child’s needs.

Does Your Kid Interact with Other Kids Well?

It’s important to consider how well your child interacts with other kids when determining preschool readiness. If your child has been around other kids frequently, such as living with siblings, at church, in playgroups, or at the park, you probably have a pretty good idea of how they respond to other kids their age. Observing how well they play and interact with siblings, neighbors, and cousins can provide some insight, too, in determining preschool readiness.

In general, preschoolers should be able to:

  • Take turns
  • Share toys
  • Listen to others
  • Follow simple rules and instructions
  • Cooperate in group activities
  • Express their feelings in appropriate ways

If your child is having difficulty with any of these social skills, it may be beneficial to wait a bit longer before enrolling them in preschool. However, every child is different, and some may do just fine in preschool even if they’re not yet masters of social interaction. If you’re still not sure if preschool is the right choice, talk to your child’s doctor or a preschool teacher. They can give you more information about what to expect and help you decide if preschool is right for your child.

Still Looking for a Preschool in Rio Rancho? Choose Covenant Schools!

Covenant Schools is a preschool in Rio Rancho that strives to provide a Christ-centered education for its students. We believe that every child is a unique individual created by God, and we work to help them reach their highest potential. Our preschool curriculum is designed to meet the needs of each individual child, and we offer a variety of extracurricular activities to supplement their learning.

We would love to have your child join us on this journey of preschool Rio Rancho education!


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