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Bible Lesson Week of January 25

Dear Parents,

Last week your child learned about the birth of Moses and God’s caring protection from Exodus 1. This week your child will learn more from the book of Exodus. The Bible truth is about Moses as an adult and how God used him, flaws and all, to bring about His plan for His people.

Moses was not one to hold back in expressing his true feelings. When witnessing the oppression of the Hebrew people, Moses showed sorrow, rage, and fear (which led to his flight to the desert).
When the Lord appeared at the burning bush, Moses’ outright curiosity led him to meet God there, and then his outright honesty led him to initially turn down God’s plan.

But with the support of his brother, Aaron, Moses then willingly and boldly faced Pharaoh in God’s name. The result was that Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt and into freedom. No matter how he was feeling, Moses ended up choosing to be the helper God called him to be.

Your child is at an age of beginning to recognize that not every emotion needs to be acted upon. Though preschoolers have intense feelings, they are starting to develop the self-control needed to make good choices. For example, children can choose to be kind even when they don’t feel like it or to be helpers even when they’d rather play alone.

By discussing the example of Moses, your child can be helped in this maturing process. Your child can grow to trust that God cares about him or her very much, no matter the feelings, the effort, or the task faced.

Thank you for helping your child learn the Bible truth!

© Bible Preschool


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