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Bible Lesson Week of February 22

Dear Parents,
Have you ever wondered what the Christian faith is really all about? Well, you are not the first person to do so. Nicodemus, the man your child is learning about this week, had questions about Jesus too.
Curious about Jesus’ identity, he met secretly with Christ to discover the truth.

John 3:1-21 describes Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus. Getting into heaven doesn’t depend on following a set of rules or living a life morally superior to someone else. Receiving eternal life is based on one thing – a personal faith in Jesus Christ, God’s one and only Son.

Isn’t it a relief knowing that your salvation is in Christ? You don’t have to buy it. You don’t have to earn it. It isn’t passed down from your parents. You simply have to believe in Him and receive His salvation. What an amazing gift!

If you’ve been worried about your salvation or if you’ve been trying to do enough good things to get God’s attention, stop to consider Christ’s words. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. ( John 3:16)

Thank you for helping your child learn the Bible truth.

Things to talk about at home:

  1. Why do you think Nicodemus wanted to see Jesus at night?
  2. If you visited with Jesus, what would you ask Him?
  3. How can you know that you will have everlasting life?

© Bible Preschool