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Bible Lesson Week of April 18

Dear Parents,

This week your child will learn that God answers prayer. Your preschooler will also be encouraged to take to heart the truth that God not only answers prayer, He specifically hears and answers your child’s prayers.

In the Bible truth, new believers who heard about Jesus from Peter are immediately put to the test when Peter is arrested on false charges and put in prison. The new group of believers responds with bold faith, gathering at Mary’s home to pray for Peter.

God answers their prayers in a miraculous way. He sends an angel to free Peter from his chains and lead him out of prison. Peter heads straight to Mary’s as he is sure God’s people are praying for him but he encounters a surprising situation.

The servant girl Rhoda leaves Peter standing at the door, unable to believe her ears. She hears Peter’s voice, but doesn’t let him in. Those fervently praying believers don’t believe that God has really answered their prayer! But once they see Peter and realize God’s love, power, and attentiveness to their prayers, they rejoice.

You can be an example to your preschooler by waiting expectantly for how God will answer the prayers you pray together and by responding with joy when He answers. As the believers learned in the Bible truth, sometimes God answers in surprising ways. Encourage your child to keep trusting God, even when His answer is not what is hoped for.

Things to talk about at home:

  1. When is it easiest for you to pray and trust God for answers? When is it sometimes hard?
  2. What are some big, important things God knows about you? What are some little things God knows about you?
  3. What can we pray about together this week? How can we remind each other to look for God’s answers?

Thank you for helping your child learn the Bible truth!

© Bible Preschool


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