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Bible Lesson Week of April 4

Dear Parents,

This week’s lesson from Daniel 6 teaches children about God’s care for Daniel when Daniel was in desperate circumstances. The story begins with Daniel’s defiance of a law that made prayer to anyone except the king an illegal act. Daniel faithfully prayed to God three times a day in front of his open window.

The consequence for this action was severe; Daniel was thrown into a den of hungry lions. God was faithful and sent an angel to shut the lions mouths. Daniel was saved! What a wonderful reminder that no matter how desperate circumstances may seem, God is more than able to handle any situation.

Isn’t it an encouragement to know that no problem or concern is beyond His control? From the living room to the classroom to the office to the grocery store, God is aware of and is actively involved in every situation you face. When the walls close in around you or today’s worries nip at your heels, remember that God is with you just as He was with Daniel.

Thank you for helping your child learn the Bible truth.

Things to talk about at home:

  1. Daniel knew that praying to God was the right thing to do, but it was frightening to disobey the Talk about a time when you did what was right, even though it was hard.
  2. How did God show His love for Daniel?
  3. When you are afraid, how can you trust God to help you?

© Bible Preschool


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