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Bible Lesson – Week of August 24

bible treeDear Parents,
This week we will be learning about Adam and Eve as recorded in the last part of Genesis 1 through Genesis 3. This Bible truth includes the origin of sin, the sin nature of all people, and the tragic consequences of sin. That may sound like a harsh reality for preschoolers, but it is also hopeful because in the same passage of Scripture, God promised to send the Savior to rescue the world from sin.

If you’re unsure about the sin nature of people, consider that you have never had to teach your child how to say no or mine. Children come prewired to engage in self-centered behavior. That’s what the sin nature is all about.

Almost all sin is rooted in selfishness. Teaching young children to understand that other people have feelings, that those feelings are important, and that they need to be accountable for their choices is critical to their development into healthy adults.

Shaping the character of your child is not something that happens overnight. It’s a process of discipline. Discipline is not only about establishing rules that children must obey and correcting children’s misbehavior. Discipline is about the building and shaping of character and of ethical values; disciplines’ goal is for children to choose on their own to do what is good and right.

Thank you for helping your child learn the Bible truth!

Things to talk about at home:

  1. How do you feel when you have done something wrong and need a time out? Do you put on a grumpy face, or do you think about what you have done wrong?
  2. Why do you think parents and teachers need to correct boys and girls if they disobey?
  3. When Mommy or Daddy ask you to do something, do you wait, or do you do what you are asked to do right away?
  4. How do your parents show that they love and forgive you, even when you have disobeyed them?

© Bible Preschool


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