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Bible Lesson Week of January 18

Dear Parents,

This week your child begins a new Bible unit called Growing Up. The unit begins with the account of Moses as a baby and how God kept him safe.

The Hebrews had been slaves in the land of Egypt for 400 years. Part of God’s plan for building an independent nation of Israel was to raise up a leader. He chose Moses. He was born at a time when Pharaoh had ordered all Hebrew baby boys to be thrown into the Nile.

Moses’ mother devised a plan to thwart this law. She indeed put him in the Nile but safely floating in a boat like basket that was hidden among the tall reeds. His sister, Miriam, was on watch. God chose an improbable person to rescue Moses – the daughter of Pharaoh.

Though she recognized this three-month-old as a Hebrew, she decided to keep him. She chose Moses’ own mother to nurse him; after he was weaned, she took him to the palace to raise as her son. Moses’ consequent familiarity with Egyptian customs prepared him well for his later calling.

Preschoolers have a strong need to feel safe, yet they are already recognizing that not everything in the world around them is entirely trustworthy. You can reinforce your child’s sense of confidence and security by helping him or her identify people who care and protect family, teachers, family friends, and community helpers like police officers and doctors.

Thank you for helping your child to learn the Bible truth!

© Bible Preschool


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